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Off-Ice Exercises and Workouts

Leg Explosiveness and Strength
Leg Circles
Leg Explosiveness and Strength
Knee to Chest
Leg Explosiveness and Strength
Leg Explosiveness and Strength
Squat hold for 5 seconds and jump
Leg Explosiveness and Strength
Speed Squats
Leg Explosiveness and Strength
Upper Body and Core
Upper Body and Core
Leg Explosiveness and Strength
Upper Body and Core
Upper Body and Core
Coordination and Reaction
Leg Explosiveness and Strength
Leg Explosiveness and Strength
Upper Body and Core
Leg Explosiveness and Strength
Leg Explosiveness and Strength
Body Weight Squats
Leg Explosiveness and Strength
Single Leg Bounding
Skating Specific
Leg Explosiveness and Strength
Speed and Agility
Leg Explosiveness and Strength, Speed and Agility
Speed and Agility
Leg Explosiveness and Strength
Leg Explosiveness and Strength, Skating Specific
Upper Body and Core
Upper Body and Core
Leg Explosiveness and Strength, Stretching
Upper Body and Core
Upper Body and Core
Leg Explosiveness and Strength, Speed and Agility