
Status message

  • Active context: faq_answer
  • Active context: header_logged_in_users
  • Active context: footer_global
  • Active context: header_anonymous
  • Active context: theme_anonymous
  • Active context: faq_answer_organization

How Do I Share Content From Our Organization Account?

When you create content within your Organization account there are several ways in which you can share it with coaches within your Organization. For a detailed tutorial and demonstration be sure to watch the video on this page.

Share by Adding to Your Library

When you create a drill or system in your Organization account it is added to your Drill Library. Coaches within your Organization have access to all the drills in your drill library and can add them to their practice plans or share them with their teams. Therefore, anytime you add to the Drill Library you are sharing them with your coaches.

Use the Copy & Share URL Button

The quickest and easiest way to share content is to use the copy and share url button. When you do this you can paste the url into an email or text. The recipient can then open up that url in a browser and view your content with no sign in required.

Copy and Share URL

Recommended Content

The thira way to share the content is by using the recommended content feature. When logged into the Organization account you can recommend any content to your coaches based on age level. To do this you will need to view the content, scroll to the bottom of the page, click the "Recommend" tab, and then choose the age levels you would like to recommend the content to. Coaches within your organization will then be able to view what content you have recommended to them from their account.

Recommend Tab