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  • Active context: faq_answer
  • Active context: header_logged_in_users
  • Active context: footer_global
  • Active context: header_anonymous
  • Active context: theme_anonymous
  • Active context: faq_answer_organization

How Do I Add Coaches to Our Organization Account?

Adding coaches to your account is one of the first things you will want to do after signing up for an Organization Account.

Step #1

Click the "Manage Coaches" link under the "Organize" tab as shown below:

Manage Coaches

Step #2

Click the "Add Coach" button as shown below:

Add Coach Button

Step #3

Enter the username and email for the coach you wish to add. Be sure to enter in the email address correctly as this is where the login information will be sent.

Step #4

Repeat the first three steps to add all of your coaches to your account.