
Status message

  • Active context: faq_answer
  • Active context: header_logged_in_users
  • Active context: footer_global
  • Active context: header_anonymous
  • Active context: theme_anonymous
  • Active context: faq_answer_organization

How Do I Create Custom Folders?

This is a great new feature for associations. It allows you to create custom folders and add drills, systems, exercises, and practice plans into your folders. The content can be from the IHS database or content that you have created. Here are the steps to create and add content to your folders:

Create Custom Folder Demonstration Video

Create a Folder

You must be logged in as the director for your association account. Then click the "Folders" link under the "Organize" tab (see below).

Click Folders Link

On this page you will have all of your folders listed. To add a new folder click the +Folder button (see below).

Add Folder Button

On the following page enter in a new name for your folder and click "Save".

Add Content To Your Folder

To add content to any of your folders you can view any drill, system, exercise, or practice plan created by IHS or from within your account. Scroll down the page until you see the "Add To Folders" heading (see below).

Add content to folders

After selecting the folders they will be shown within that folder. To view the content within your folders go back to your "Folders" page and click the folder.