
Status message

  • Active context: faq_answer
  • Active context: header_logged_in_users
  • Active context: footer_global
  • Active context: header_anonymous
  • Active context: theme_anonymous
  • Active context: faq_answer_subscriptions

How do I cancel my membership?

To cancel your membership you must be logged in to your account. Then you can follow the 3 easy steps to cancel your membership. After you cancel, your membership will be active until the expiration date. Be sure to click the "Read More" button below to view the 3 steps.

  1. Sign into your account and click "My Account" in the upper right corner.
  2. Then click the "Settings" link.
  3. On the "settings" page click the link that says "Click here to update your subscription settings." (see image below).
  4. Then click the "Cancel" link on the right side of the page (see image below).
  5. Be sure to click the confirmation button on the confirmation page.

Settings link

subscription settings link

Cancel Link