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Category: Subscription Information

Do I need a membership to view the animated drills?

There are selected hockey drills on the website that can be viewed by non-members, however, in order to view all of the animated drills then you need one of our membership plans. We offer several types of membership plans:

How do I cancel my membership?

To cancel your membership you must be logged in to your account. Then you can follow the 3 easy steps to cancel your membership. After you cancel, your membership will be active until the expiration date. Be sure to click the "Read More" button below to view the 3 steps.

Can I sign up for just one month?

Yes, you can sign up for one month.  When you sign up for a particular membership you can cancel it at anytime by going to your account settings page and clicking on the recurring fees tab.  When you click the "cancel" link your account will not be charged on the next billing date.  Your account will remain active until the expiration date but your account will not be active after the expiration date.  Your account will not be deleted, therefore if you choose to sign up at a later date then you will still have access to all of your practices, drills, drill lists, systems, etc...