Behind Net Deception Cutback To Wall on Breakout by Calgary
A little deception can be really effective in breakout situations to get the forecheckers anticipating one way and open up enough time and space the other direction. In this clip the Calgary Flames defense does a great job which helps them break the puck out.
What to Watch
- Off a defensive zone face off win, CGY3 retrieves puck under pressure
- With use of body and feet, the player sells the forecheck on a behind the net route before cutting back to the wall
- The deception of skating to the weak side forces the forechecker to anticipate the player skating or passing to the other side
- When the puck comes up the strong side the Canucks defender pinches without the support of the F3 over the top because of the deception of the Calgary player
Behind Net Deception Cutback To Wall on Breakout by Calgary