Johnson Uses Deception on Retrieval vs Kraken Forecheck
This clip is not flashy, it is a little thing that helps the Avalanche have more time to execute a breakout off of a dump in by the Kraken. Using deception can give your teammates more time and space, this is exactly what Johnson does in this clip.
What to Watch
- The first thing Johnson does is check over his shoulder as he goes back to retrieve the puck to get as much information as he can.
- He lures the forechecker in by retrieving the puck and selling that he is going to carry the puck up towards the wall.
- He does this by having his hips and toes pointing towards the direction he is "selling".
- Once the forechecker bites he plays the puck back the other way.
- This removes the forechecker as a threat and his teammate has extra time to execute the breakout.
Johnson Uses Deception on Retrieval vs Kraken Forecheck