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12 Small Area Games to Practice Decision Making

12 Small Area Hockey Games To Practice Decision Making

The talent of hockey players continues to rise. Players are quicker, faster and more skilled than ever before. However, one major training component that coaches often overlook is adding in activities that force players to practice their decision making. There is a big difference between hockey drills that require a pre-determined course of action and ones where the players are allowed to make all of the decisions. In the process of searching for drills to use in practice be sure to include ones that allow players to make decisions.

Below we give you 12 small area games where the "game" is the main teacher. The games are excellent for all age and skill levels since the players will be playing with and against their teammates. Players will rapidly learn that if they do not pick their head up and make a quick decision, they will fail. Also, the games will reinforce important concepts like communicating with teammates, reading the play, creating time and space, jumping to open ice, protecting the puck, passing in tight areas and more.

These dynamic games will help your players build confidence in their ability to pick up their head and make a play. Plus, your team will love them!

Game # 1: Corner 3 vs. 3

The Corner 3 vs. 3 is a quick thinking game that helps players develop a scoring mentality. Watch Topher Scott explain this game with a video example below:

Corner 3 vs. 3 Game Description: The Corner 3 vs. 3 helps players develop a scoring mentality with quick thinking and movement. This 3 vs. 3 game has one major constraint: each team is allowed one player that can play inside of the circle. The other teammates must play on the outside of the circle. Communication, quick passing and quick shots will help teams be successful in this game.

  • Players: 3 vs. 3 or 4 vs. 2
  • Space: Best if set up around any face-off circle.
  • Variations: can have it be 1 vs. 1 in the circle or 2 vs. 2 in the circle. 
  • Full Game Details: Corner 3 vs. 3 Game

Game # 2 Picket Fences

2v2 or 3v3 Picket Fences Description: Picket Fences is a great game that gives both the forwards and defenders goals to strive for. Forwards get 2 points for scoring a goal and the defense gets 1 point for skating the puck out of the zone. No points are awarded if the coach blows the whistle. 

  • Players: Can be 1v1, 2v2 or 3v3
  • Space: Can be a station or half-ice
  • Variations: Can change up the number of players or space the game is played on. You can also allow the defenders to make a pass to the next forwards in line instead of skating it through the tires. The Buffalo Sabres played a game like that in a development camp. View the game below (Continuous 2v2 In Zone Game).
  • Full Game Details: Picket Fences 2v2 or 3v3

Game # 3 Corner to Half Wall 2 vs 1

Corner to Half Wall 2 vs 1 Description: This game forces players to practice 2 on 1's and using the boards in a tight area. The goal for the forwards is to connect on 4 passes in a row. If the forwards get 4 passes in a row, they are awarded a shot on net. If the defense breaks up the play 2 times they are awarded a shot on net. Make sure players use the boards for puck protection and bank passes!

  • Players: 2 forwards and 1 defender. The goalie is optional.
  • Space: Corner of ice. You can also set this up on other tight areas.
  • Variations: Players should switch up playing offense and defense. You can make the space smaller. You can require more or less passes. If the defense is taking the puck away too much you can require them to flip their stick. You can also go 2 vs 2.
  • Full Game Details: Corner to Half Wall 2 vs 1

Game # 4: Gates of Buffalo

Gates of Buffalo Description: The goal of this game is to pass the puck through as many "gates" as possible. Players are not allowed to pass through the same gate 2 times in a row, so it requires players to communicate with each other and work to move to open space and open gates. You can have the group compete against other groups for most successful passes in 45 or 60 seconds. 

  • Players: 3, 4, or 5 players at a time.
  • Space: Can be set up within a zone or as a station.
  • Variations: Can add more or fewer gates, or additional obstacles that they must pass around. You can make the gates smaller or larger. You can also add defending players. Can also say get 5 passes and then 1 shot on net, and then go back to aiming to get 5 passes again. You can also make this a 2v2 or 3v3 game where teams work to pass a puck through the gates while the other team tries to defend and score as well.
  • Full Game Details: Gates of Buffalo Small Area Game

Game #5: Run Ragged

Run Ragged Description: The emphasis of this hockey game is to get forwards moving without the puck. As soon as the game starts, the coach passes to a forward. The forward must pass to their teammate and immediately jump to an open cone. They are only allowed to leave a cone after they make a pass. After 5 consecutive passes, the forwards are awarded a shot on net. If the defense intercepts the pass, the game starts over with a new puck. The defense should focus on stops and starts with an active stick.

  • Players: 3 forwards and 1 defender. The goalies are optional.
  • Space: Can be a station, or half-ice.
  • Variations: Can make the playing space smaller or larger. You can add in more cones. You can move the cones to different areas. Can require more or fewer passes. If the defense is getting the puck too often you can have them flip over their stick. You can also set this up to be a 3 vs 2.
  • Full Game Details: Run Ragged Small Area Game

Game # 6: Union Scoring Game

Watch the video explanation from Topher Scott below to learn about the coaching points of The Union Scoring Game, along with a video example below.

The Union Scoring Game: The Union Scoring Small Area Game from Topher Scott is a fun small area game where teams can score on either net. The unique setup of the nets promotes creativity, thinking outside of the box to create time & space and score goals. 

  • Players: Can be 2v2 or 3v3.
  • Space: Can be set up as a cross-ice activity within a zone or as a station.
  • Variations: Can make the playing space smaller or larger. Can also set up the net in other unique areas.
  • Full Game Details: The Union Scoring Game

Game # 7 Continuous In Zone 2 vs. 2 Game

Continuous In Zone 2 vs. 2 Game Description: This game puts the defense at a disadvantage since they will be double shifting. The defense must work on good positioning and have their stick on the ice to be successful.

  • Players: Can be 1v1, 2v2 or 3v3
  • Space: Can be a station or half-ice
  • Variations: Can change up the number of players or space the game is played on. 
  • Full Game Details: Continuous In Zone 2 vs. 2 Game

Game # 8: Swedish 2 vs 1

Swedish 2 vs 1 Description: This is a simple yet highly effective small area game that requires 2 players to work together to connect on 4 passes in a row. If they get 4 passes in a row they are both awarded a shot on net. If the defending team breaks up the play 2 times, they are awarded a shot on net. It is similar to the Corner to Half Wall 2 vs 1 but there is no boards to utilize. Players should work on deception to open up and expose the defender along with short passes and jumping to space.  

  • Players: 2 forwards and 1 defender. The goalies are optional. If you do not have goalies, you can set up the game like this: 7 Pass 2 vs 1
  • Space: Can be set up as a cross-ice activity within a zone or as a station.
  • Variations: Can make the playing space smaller or larger. Can require more or fewer passes. If the defense is getting the puck too often you can have them flip over their stick. You can also set this up to be a 3 vs 2.
  • Full Game Details: Swedish 2 vs 1

Game # 9: Swiss 4 vs. 2

Swiss 4 vs. 2 Scoring Game Description: A fun small area hockey game that helps the offense work on their decision making by creating passing & scoring opportunities by keeping head up, being patient, using deception and communicating with their teammates.

  • Players: 4 forwards and 2 defenders.
  • Space: Half ice.
  • Variations: You do not need to put lines on the ice. You can separate the sections with cones. Can make the playing space larger or smaller. The smaller the space, the harder the game is since the defense will be able to cover more ice.
  • Full Game Details: Swiss 4 vs. 2 Scoring Game

Game # 10: Keep Away 3 vs. 1

Keep Away 3 vs. 1 Description: This game is as simple as it sounds. A group of players tries to keep the puck away from a defender. Players must keep their head up, communicate and move to space to be successful. Defenders must work on keeping their stick on the ice and not to chase too much. 

  • Players: This can be set up to be 2v1, 3v1, 3v2, 4v1, 4v2, 4v3, 5v1, 5v2, 5v3, 5v4. 
  • Space: Can be set up as a station or half-ice.
  • Variations: Can change the number of players or space on the ice. Can also allow a shot on goal if the forwards are able to string 4 passes in a row together. Can allow the defense to shoot if they strip the puck 2 times during the game. 
  • Full Game Details: Keep Away 3 vs. 1

Game # 11: Hit The Tire / Corner Tires

Hit The Tire / Corner Tires DescriptionA fun game that can be used with no goalies. Players work to score goals by hitting the tire.

  • Players: 1v1, 2v2, 3v3, 4v4 or 5v5
  • Space: Can be a station, half ice, or full ice.
  • Variations: You can modify the number of players, the size of the ice and the number of goals. Goals can be small tires, or any object (cone, small net, roll of tape, weighted puck, etc.)
  • Full Game Details: Hit The Tire / Corner Tires

Game # 12: Levels 3 vs. 3 (with 2 Coaches or Players)

Levels 3 vs 3: A small area game that challenges players to think on their toes with a different net setup and a requirement to pass to a coach (or player) on the outside of the playing area before they attack.

  • Players: Can be 2v2 or 3v3 (with 2 players or coaches on the outside)
  • Space: Can be a station or half-ice
  • Variations: Can change up the number of players or space the game is played on. You can also set the nets up normally instead of one backwards.
  • Full Game Details: Levels 3 vs. 3

Bouns: Finnish 5 Puck Dynamic Warm-Up

Finnish 5 Puck Description: The Finnish 5 Puck is a progression of activities that starts with an individual warm-up, then advances to a group exercise where players work together to pass 1, 2, 3, 4, and eventually 5 pucks at once. It is a great way to start practice with some decision making!

This game will look extremely messy at first but as time goes on, players learn how to communicate with each other verbally and non-verbally to complete passes. The dynamic nature of this game forces players to keep their head up and make decisions by reading and communicating with each other. If a coach commits to an activity like this throughout the season, you will marvel at the teams' improvement throughout the year. 

  • Players: Great for 3, 4 or 5 players at a time.
  • Space: Can be set up within a zone, or as a station. The smaller the space, the quicker the decisions need to be made. 
  • Variations: Add obstacles within the space to challenge the players further. Count the # of successful passes. You can also end with a 3 vs 2.
  • Full Game Details: Finnish 5 Puck

Extra Credit: Draw & Share Your Own Game

Click on the image below to draw and share your own small area game for free! Make sure to include two teams and a way for each team to score points. Get creative!


Adding small area games and activities like the 12 games listed above will help your players work decision making, which will improve them as a hockey player. Additionally, as a coach, you can brainstorm and modify some of your current drills to make sure a player does not always have a set path and that they need to make a decision on their way to completing the drill. 

It is inevitable that players will lose the puck at times trying to stickhandle with their head up. If they lose the puck looking up, acknowledge their effort and encourage them to keep working at it. As time goes on they will get more comfortable playing with their head up. 

The best part about these games? Players enjoy them and will work harder because the games will naturally bring out the competitive spirit in each of them. Adding games like this will make your practices more enjoyable.

Extra credit: It should also be noted that players can improve their decision-making abilities by developing their puck protection skills, which can allow them to protect the puck longer if they need to, so they can make a better decision. Also, spending time stickhandling at home with their head up is extremely beneficial!

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mchabot on 12/11/2019


Good stuff to run