
Status message

  • Active context: faq_answer
  • Active context: header_logged_in_users
  • Active context: footer_global
  • Active context: header_anonymous
  • Active context: theme_anonymous
  • Active context: faq_answer_member_help

Why can't I see the animations?

The first thing to do is check and make sure you are logged in and your membership is active.  If you are logged in as an active member and you are still not able to view the animations then try the next step, which is updating your browser. If you have signed up as an active member and you are still not able to view the animations then it may be a result of your internet browser.  The animations are displayed as html files embedded in an iframe.  Some of the older browsers do not support html5 content and therefore will not display the animation.  This is an easy fix. The first step is to find out what kind of browser you are using, go to the home page, and update your browser to the latest version. Our recommendation is to download the latest version of either Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox.