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Front Squat

By: Ice Hockey Systems
Ice Hockey Systems

Step into the rack with the barbell and evenly place the hands on the bar. Roll the wrists under the bar so that palms are facing up and elbows are pointing straight ahead. Place the bar on the deltoids of the shoulder (should be a ridge created with the upright elbows) and take a step back. Push the knees out while squatting down between the legs. Chest should be up, knees directly over toes and heals on the ground. Once the thigh is parallel to the ground, push through the ground to return to the starting position. A normal squat should have a tempo of 1 second eccentric motion (lowering) and 1 seconds concentric motion (rising up) with no pause at the bottom of the squat. Eyes should look straight ahead and lower back should be flat at all times.

Front Squat


Step into the rack with the barbell and evenly place the hands on the bar. Roll the wrists under the bar so that palms are facing up and elbows are pointing straight ahead. Place the bar on the deltoids of the shoulder (should be a ridge created with the upright elbows) and take a step back. Push the knees out while squatting down between the legs. Chest should be up, knees directly over toes and heals on the ground. Once the thigh is parallel to the ground, push through the ground to return to the starting position. A normal squat should have a tempo of 1 second eccentric motion (lowering) and 1 seconds concentric motion (rising up) with no pause at the bottom of the squat. Eyes should look straight ahead and lower back should be flat at all times.