Breakout to 2v2

Black - 2F's (could add 3F's) begin by passing the puck to each other in NZ around opposite F's
D receive puck from Coach and release quick shot or quick walk and shot
2nd D receives puck from Coach fakes shot and passes to D1 in middle of blue D1 fakes and passes back to D2 for shot
After 2nd shot Coach blows whistle, D gap up and F's enter zone with dump
D retreive puck (Up, Over, Wheel...)
- 1 end at a time and it turns into a 3-2 or 5-2 Vs opposite D
- F's tag up blue line or regroup with their F line and re-attack breakout D for transition 3-2
- F's tag blue line dump puck again and breakout with new option