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Forward-Backward Passing Drill

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The Forward-Backward Passing Drill can be used as a warm-up, or during any point of practice to help players work on catching & receiving the puck while moving with a partner. This drill can be set up in different areas of the ice and coaches can utilize different variations to work on different passing & receiving techniques:


  • The drill can be set up anywhere on the ice. For this example we will use one zone of the ice.
  • On the whistle a player skates with a partner. One skater is going backwards and one is going forwards.
  • The two players pass the puck to each other, once they get to the boards they head back the same way with one skater skating forwards and the other skating backwards.


  • Coaches can have players work on forehand passing, backhand passing, and receiving the passes on their forehand or backhand.
  • Coaches can skate through the players with light pressure to require them to keep their heads up while passing.

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