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2F stations DZone/OZone wall play, Entries/1v1 take aways, puck protection

2F stations DZone/OZone wall play, Entries/1v1 take aways, puck protection
By: Dwayne Blais

Station A
DZone wall play - reading pressure, getting into defenders, protecting pucks, skating off wall, pass to coach receive puck back for shot
- catch on the run, toes coming up ice, get off wall 
OZone wall play - F coming down wall, reading pressure, if pressure is low, cut high/Spin, if pressure is high, protect puck drive net
Station B
Ozone entries
F1 leaves, receives pass from Co for quick shot through traffic, add push/pull or quick release to shot
F2 leaves after F1 shot, picks up rim at blue line and attacks F2 who's defending, force them to move feet, cut inside or out, protect puck
Coach will through 2nd puck in corner for quick 1v1 out of corner, work on take aways, puck protection, moving feet