Maxim Mamin Backhand Through 5 Hole on Breakaway
Having a strategy you are comfortable with on breakaways is a good thing for players to think about and work on consistently. Pulling the puck to the backhand is one strategy that forces the goalie to move laterally because players have a longer reach to their backhand sides. In this clip Maxim Mamin shows a good option if you like to pull the puck to your backhand on a breakaway.
What to Watch
- As Mamin drives down the wing protecting the puck he is able to get a step to the inside and take away the hands of the defender
- Uses his momentum he cuts across the net and pulls the puck to his backhand forcing the goaltender to open up the legs to keep up with the lateral movement
- This creates a space briefly between the goaltenders pads for a goal
Maxim Mamin Backhand Through 5 Hole on Breakaway