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How do I add drills to my practices?

There are three ways to add drills to your practice plan.

#1 - Add Drills from the Create Practice Form

When you are creating a practice you can click the "+ Add Drills" fieldset to open up the fields. In the drill name field start typing the name of the drill. As you start typing the options will appear and you can select the drill when you see it appear. The drills are pulled from the IHS hockey drill database or drills you have created on the website.

Add by typing in drill name

#2 - Add Drill from the My Drills Page

When you are logged you can go to the "My Drills" page under the "Organize tab. All of your drills are listed on this page and each drill has a set of buttons. Click the "Add to Practices" button to bring up the practices you have created and simply click the "+Add" button to add it to any practice.

Adding drills from My Drills page

#3 - Add from a Drill Page

When you view any drill on icehockeysystems.com whether it is your own drill or one in our drill database you can click the "Add to Practices" button. When you do this you will see a list of your practices along with the "+Add" button. Click the add button to add the drill to any of your practices.

Save drill from drill page