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Go Go

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The Go Go from TJ Manastersky, the Head Coach of Brock University, is a high tempo small area game turns into various situations: 1v1, 2v1, 2v2, 3v2, and 3v3. The game practices down low defending along with puck protection, puck support and attacking down low. Players in line need to be ready to jump into the game when the coach yells go!


  • On the whistle, the coach chips the puck into the corner to start a 1 v 1.Whichever side the coach chips the puck into, that team will be on offense.
  • Every time coach yells "Go" the first offensive player in line jumps into the play. The next "Go" will have the next defending player in line go. Alternate lines with each "Go." 
  • This game turns into various situations: 1v1, 2v1, 2v2, 3v2, 3v3, 4v3, etc.
  • The offense tries to score while the defending team tries to skate the puck over top of the circle to end the rep.

Coaching Points

  • Offensive players first to the puck should practice puck protection and cutting the hands of the defender.
  • Players in line that are called into the game need to jump to support their teammates and communicate to let them know where they are.

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