DRW Def Split - Day 1

Option 1 -
D will be line up on both sides of the blue. Coach will rim or bank the puck up the wall. D will pre-move & pre-scan preparing for puck and walk/sprint line looking for shot in motion.
*For D walking on forehand side want them to move across line quickly looking for shooting lanes and sticks crashing net.
*For D walking on backhand side want them to either walk with puck on backhand and move to hip for quick shot or walk with it on hip and look for lanes and sticks crashing.
Option 2 -
D1 is on the wall for a F/O. Coach wins puck to corner. D1 will retrieve puck (pre-scan) and move puck (hard or soft) behind net. D2 will be on weak side offensive blue line and will read puck. Either attack rim down wall and look to protect puck then get it to the net. Or if hard rim pre-move and walk line for shot. D1 will add net front presence (either tips or rebounds). After shot D2 will move to half wall and become D man on hash marks retrieving next F/O.
Option 3 -
D1 will surf/transition on coach forcing a chip. D1 will retrieve puck and wheel net giving D2 direct or bank pass. D2 will be evasive and drive down wall allowing D3 to mirror play and dive down wall to add offense. While driving down wall D2 will look for D3 as they drive into honey hole looking for quick shot. D1 can add net front presence (screen/tip/deflection).