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Developing Hockey IQ


Wes Wolfe gave a presentation on developing hockey IQ at the Brock University High Performance Hockey Seminar. Wes has noticed a re-occuring theme in the hockey world, and that is that coaches feel that the team game has never suffered more. His presentation gives examples as to why the team game is suffering, what hockey IQ is, examples of how to improve hockey IQ, along with advice for coaches. 

The Team Game Is Suffering

  • Entourage One of the biggest reasons is the "entourage" of the players. Right now each player has separate skills coaches, agents, parents, friends, etc.
  • Social Media 
  • Highlight reels Reels
  • Focus on winning
  • Poor drill

What is Hockey IQ

  • "See the play before it happens"
  • "Understanding your positioning and everyone else's postioning on the ice"

Examples of Habits can improve hockey IQ

Good habits can give players with and without the puck more time and them to make better decisions.

  • puck protection
  • scanning / shoulder check

Challenge For Coaches

  • Avoid the illusion of repeat-mode development: the game is about cognition and finding solutions, not just route running and fundamental skill execution
  • Create a training / practice environment rich in decision-making
  • Focus on habits and execution, but be careful not to overcoach

What can coaches do?

  • Create more opportunities for exploring boundaries that allow athletes to determine their own limits in a variety of natural and built environments
  • Accept that teaching / video can only plant seed and accelerate decision making process - but that understanding, processing and implementing still rely on an athletes ability to grasp through experience
  • Utilize the benefits of unstructured play

Developing Hockey IQ

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