Moore Wins 50-50 Puck Down Low Along Wall
Winning 50 - 50 pucks along the wall can lead to scoring chances because the defenders are in a vulnerable position along the wall. Learning how to establish body position, initiate contact, and beat the defender off the wall are great offensive habits for players to develop. In this clip Trevor Moore does a really nice job of all three of these things to create a good scoring chance.
What to Watch
- Moore does not wait for the puck, he goes to the puck so he can establish body position
- He uses his body to protect the puck and spin away from the defender at the same time
- Once he has the defender beat he takes two quick strides to beat the defender off the wall, creating a great scoring chance
Moore Wins 50-50 Puck Down Low Along Wall
Winning 50 - 50 pucks along the wall can lead to scoring chances because the defenders are in a vulnerable position along the wall. Learning how to establish body position, initiate contact, and beat the defender off the wall are great offensive habits for players to develop. In this clip Trevor Moore does a really nice job of all three of these things to create a good scoring chance.
What to Watch
- Moore does not wait for the puck, he goes to the puck so he can establish body position
- He uses his body to protect the puck and spin away from the defender at the same time
- Once he has the defender beat he takes two quick strides to beat the defender off the wall, creating a great scoring chance