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What's Your Why?

View Supporting Video - John Bucigross

What’s Your Why

Why did you put your kid in youth hockey ?

Most would say to Be Active, Healthy, Accountable, Resilient, Part of a team, to Have Fun, Play with their peers, etc...

Understanding Priorities: 

  1. Family
  2. Academics
  3. Hockey. 

Coaches and Parents should emphasise with players that they do not get #3 without the effort into #1 & #2.

Understanding the %’s: 

Parents need to be realistic realizing that it is such a small % of kids who will make the NHL or NCAA. Focus on the life skills they will develop rather than their goals, assists etc. 

It’s A Marathon, Not a Sprint:

Kids make it to the next level with consistency and work ethic. Help your player realize it will take a long time, and a lot of work, and that’s ok. The life lessons learned on the journey are why we play!

Control What You Can Control:

There are so many different facets to the youth hockey experience that are out of your control. What parents and players can control is your Attitude, and Work Ethic. These will keep you close to your “Why”. 

Enjoy It: 

You should enjoy it, your player should enjoy it, you should be forming lifelong friends. 

“One of the best things you can tell your kid, is ‘I love watching you play” - John Buccigross on the Hockey Think Tank Podcast


These are things to look out for, they may hinder you and your players enjoyment. 

  • Early Professionalization of Hockey (Hockey is meant to teach life lessons)
  • Comparison Culture (Don’t worry too much about social media)
  • Ego (Your player is on their own journey - let them live it)

Why did you put your kid in youth hockey?

Supporting Videos: 

John Buccigross - "I Love Watching You Play"