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Parent - Coach Communication

Parent -  Coach Communication 

Kids should speak to the coach first:

It is your kid’s life and their career. You should be pushing them to go speak to the coach on their own, before you reach out. It can build confidence and self assurance - coaches don’t bite! Have tough conversations. (Mental health or things more serious, parents may reach out 1st)

Ask Questions:

When you do approach the coach -  go in asking questions, not demanding things. This promotes a good conversation, back and forth...leading to common ground.

Find Solutions:

Don’t go to vent or blame. Parents and coaches need to go in looking for solutions, not just getting it off your chest. Work together. 

Try to Take Emotion Out:

Think the 48 hour rule. Wait 48 hours to try and calm yourself down, and get out of your emotions before reaching out.

Have perspective, Coaches are people too:

The vast majority of youth coaches are either volunteers or part time coaches. We all make mistakes, as do you as a parent.