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Life Skills

  1. Resiliency - Allow the kids to fail and fight through adversity.
  2. Being Part of a Team -  Teamwork and community oriented behaviors like sacrifice, buying in, and more will help them throughout their whole lives.
  3. Creativity & Problem Solving - We WANT our kids to be in situations where they have to figure it out themselves. Things shouldn’t always be done for them -  it improves creativity and problem solving.
  4. Work Ethic -  For hockey & life, kids need to be able to strap up the work boots and put in the work consistently.
  5. Ownership -  Teaching kids to take ownership of their development, career, and the things in their control is so important. HUGE life skill for off the ice after hockey as well. 
  6. Trust - Everyone has a role, you have to trust your teammate will do their job. Trust in personal relationships - more trust between teammates = more buy in and success.
  7. Humility - We can not do this alone, kids need to realize their success is due to a whole network of supporters. Being humble also helps stifle complacency. 
  8. Commitment -  Hockey takes a lot of time, effort and sacrifice from the whole family. Players need to be committed consistently -  to become a great player and develop into a responsible adult. 
  9. Consistency - Focus + Time + Effort in every rep =  success in hockey and life. Show up everyday and be consistent in things you can control. 
  10.  Respect
    1. Yourself 
    2. Your Teammates (treat people how you want to be treated) 
    3. Your opponents. Can’t think you are better or worse than them. 
    4. Your elders...Coaches, other coaches, parents, referees, support system in the organization. 
    5. The game - Hockey gives us so much, it needs to be respected back by giving it your all