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How do I upload and add my own drills to a practice?

Watch the video to learn how to upload your own drill diagram or a video from around the web and add it to your own practice plan.

Step #1: Upload Your Own Drill

In order to add your own drills to a practice plan you first need to have your drills uploaded to your account. To do this click the "Upload Drills" link from the "Create" tab.

After you have uploaded or linked to your drills then these drills are available to add to any of your existing practice plans. If you have not created your practice plan then you will want to do that next.

Step #2: Add Your Drill to The Practice Plan

To add a drill to one of your existing practice plans then you go to your "Uploaded Drills" page under the "Organize Tab".

View Uploaded Drills

Then click the drill you want to add to your practice. When viewing the drill scroll to the bottom and click the "Save Drill to Practices" tab. You should see a list of all of your practices. Click the "Add" button to add your drill to as many practices as you would like.

Save drill to practice