NEHDA 2 Puck
NEHDA 2 Puck

The NEHDA 2 Puck is an excellent drill from NewEdge Hockey that helps players practice passing, communication, edgework, deception, and more.


  • Place 2 pucks as shown in the video & diagram.
    • Part 1 of Drill - Keep Toe Caps & Body Facing Up Ice: P1 receives a pass from P2 (player in the line), goes around a puck, passes to P2, receives a pass back & skates around the other puck before passing back to P2. P2 now jumps into the drill.
    • Part 2 of Drill - Practice Escapes, Deception & Puck Protection: P1 receives a pass from P2 (player in the line), goes around a puck, uses deception to act like they are going to pass & skate up ice but quickly cuts back, performs a mohawk, goes around the puck and passes back to P2. P1 receives a pass back from P2 and P1 goes around the opposite puck, uses deception to act like they are going to pass & skate up ice but quickly cuts back, performs a mohawk, goes around the puck, and passes back to P2. P2 now jumps into the drill.

Coaching Points

  • Passing: Coaches should put a strong emphasis on passing quality and communication during this drill.
  • Movements: Lateral movements should be crisp and get the puck on your hip and get your eyes up quickly.
  • Deception: When in the deception version (Part 2 of the drill), really commit to the look-off, your opponent's stick tends to follow your head and eyes so make it really look like you are going to move the puck in one direction before you cut back.
  • Puck Protection: When protecting the puck, be sure to move the puck out in front of your belly when you mohawk, this keeps good distance between the attacker and the puck. Mohawking allows you to maintain speed yet still protect the puck.

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