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Getting Started Guide for Association Directors

Welcome to IHS For Associations; a comprehensive platform that provides world class content and tools for coaches, players, and parents. Below is a guide that gives tips and displays tutorial videos to help you and your association get the most out of the platform.

IHS Association Features

  • IHS Memberships for Every Coach in your Association
  • Shared Association Libraries to keep Practices, Drills, Systems & Off-Ice content organized for years to come
  • Access to Player Development Content for Every Player
  • Access to The Parent Survival Guide (by The Hockey Think Tank) for Every Parent
  • The ability for your Director to Create and Recommend content to the association
  • Drill Drawing, Video Uploads, Practice Planner, Collaboration Tools & Much More

As a director you can be as hands on or as hands off as you would like. Just getting all of your coaches an account with IHS is a huge win for your association as they can access all of our content and tools on their own.

With that being said, we do encourage that associations use the full scope of our tools to take the platform to the next level. Below is our video guide for Association Directors (or whoever is in charge of managing the IHS account) on how to best utilize our platform. We highly encourage you to browse through IHS and test some of the tools before adding all of your coaches. It will give you a better understanding on how IHS for Associations works and how you can best utilize it for your coaches, players and parents. 

Browsing Content as a Director

This video below provides an overview of our different content types and some tips to keep in mind to make browsing content more efficient.

Recommending Content to your Association

The video below shows the different ways to recommend content to your association, which is a great way to build your libraries and give your coaches an even better resource.

Creating Drills as a Director

The video below goes over the 3 different ways that you can create a drill so that you can build on top of IHS’s content and provide your coaches with customized drills.

Creating a Practice as a Director

Creating and sharing a practice is very easy on IHS.  The video below goes over how to create a practice and then share it with coaches in your association.

Adding Coaches to Your Association

The video below shows the simple process of creating IHS accounts for the coaches in your association.

Adding Logos to Your Association Account & Drill Drawings

The video below shows how you can add your association's logo into your header and into all of your drill drawings!

Sharing Content To Your Association Library

The video below shows how you can add content to your association library, along with how to view, remove and edit content other coaches have shared.

Accessing The Parent Survival Guide

To gain access to the parent survival guide you will first need to login as the director of your association account. Once you are logged in you can find a link named “Parent Survival Guide” under the “Share” tab.

From there you can copy and paste this information and allow parents to log in.

From there, parents will be able to access the Hockey Think Tank's parent survival guide.

Creating Custom Folders

This video below provides an overview of how to create custom folders for your coaches to use to review, drills, practice plans and more in one location.

Thank you and your association for joining IHS. Please Contact Us if you or anyone at your associations have any questions or suggestions for us.