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Backchecking vs. 3 on 2 - Weak Side


When backchecking against a 3 on 2 the backchecker has a couple of options. Sometimes the correct option is based on their position. If they are on the strong side (same side as the puck carrier) then they will most likely want to apply backside pressure. However, if they are in the middle of the ice then they can communicate with the defense and take the weak side of the ice. This allows the defense to shift and take away space from the puck carrier. Here are some key points for backchecking to the weak side:

  • backchecker communicates with defense that they will take the weak side
  • defense shifts to limit space of puck carrier
  • defense in the middle has to stay with the player driving the net
  • backchecker has to move feet until they are on the defensive side of the weak side attacker
  • backchecker has to stay on the defensive side of the attacker and be ready to take care of their stick in case of a pass or rebound


mckey33 on 4/11/2018

pratique entrée de zone et pratique qui prendre en repli défensif 

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