This option uses the same side of the ice and again uses the player in the middle as the shooter. Instead of the shooter receiving the pass from the player down low there will be one more pass back to the left handed player on the half wall. This player will then look for the right handed player in the middle of the slot for a one-timer. The player down low has to get to the front of the net once they pass the puck back to the half wall and anticipate that shot.
This option uses the same side of the ice and again uses the player in the middle as the shooter. Instead of the shooter receiving the pass from the player down low there will be one more pass back to the left handed player on the half wall. This player will then look for the right handed player in the middle of the slot for a one-timer. The player down low has to get to the front of the net once they pass the puck back to the half wall and anticipate that shot.