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Announcement: IHS Secures License and Launches Coaches Clip Library

Watch the video above to learn about IHS's newest product! 

We are excited to announce a groundbreaking development at IHS. We've secured a license, allowing us to enhance our platform with hundreds of coaching clips from the NHL. These coaching clips will allow our members to find teachable moments that are performed at the games’ highest level and share them with their players. We have also taken the time to tag each clip with related material on IHS so that you can find drills and SAG’s to work on the skills and concepts within the clips. This is a monumental step in our aim to build the most comprehensive development platform in hockey. Below is a rundown of what you can expect:

Categorized Clips

We have launched with hundreds of clips and they are all categorized. Clips are broken down into Skills and Team play. Within each of those sections will be main categories and then sub categories below each of those. We believe this is the best way for you to drill down and find specifically what you are looking for. Remember that we will be adding new content every week and that the library will be growing along with the categories.

Tagged Content

We have taken the time to tag each clip with related content on the site including drills, small area games, practices, coach education content and other clips. Use the tagged content to further your understanding, or as a ideas on how you can teach a specific skill, or concept.

Save Your Favorite Clips

We added the ability for you to save clips you like so you can easily access them. To save a clip, just click on the "Save" Button on top of the clip. You will be able to access your saved clips by clicking "Coaching Clips" in the "Organize" dropdown in your dashboard.

Add Clips Into Your Practices

We also added the ability to add clips into your practice plans so you can share them with your players and build your practices around certain skills and concepts that you can show your players. To do this, just click on the "+ Add To Practice" button on the top of the clip, or search by the title of the clip in the "Add Coaching Clip" field in the practice planner.

New Clips Every Week

We have locked in a deal that allows for new clips every week during the NHL season. We will be adding allotments of clips constantly, so be sure to check back and use the sort by "Newest" filter on the top of the results to see the most recent clips. Don’t hesitate to reach out to us if there are any clips you want us to find.

Share Clips With Your Players

Our hope with the clip launch is that we can help coaches find some of the game’s teachable moments to keep learning and to help their players grow. Coaches can engage their players with observational learning and active learning techniques to help further understanding and allow everyone to have more fun learning.

Observational learning: Observational learning is the process of learning by observing others.

  • In this case, a player can learn a skill like deception by seeing a a video of an NHL player engaging in deception. Even if the player can not perform the skill at that same level, seeing a video will give the player observing the video a better idea of what the skill or concept actually is. A video can help teaching come to life much more effectively and efficiently than a whiteboard explanation.

Active learning: Active learning involves actively engaging players with learning through discussions, problem solving, video examples, and more.

  • Instead of just telling a player what they should do, coaches further understanding by by showing a clip, and simply asking questions like, "what do you see here?, what options does this player have?, what went well?, what went poorly?," etc. There are no right and wrong answers. Two of the worlds best video coaches can look at one clip and see different things. Active two way discussions between a coach and player can really drive home understanding. Then a player can practice the skill, or concept, and then try to apply it in a small area game to reinforce the understanding.

Get Creative

Found a clip that resonates with you? Work backwards from it. Get innovative in your practice planning and drill creation. Add constraints that highlight and reward the game-transferable skills you aim to impart in each session. A powerful way to teach skills or concepts would be:

  1. Show video of desired skill or concept (observational learning)
  2. Discuss video (active learning)
  3. Practice skill or concept with drills (start slow and build confidence & speed)
  4. Practice skill or concept in small area game that rewards the behavior

Future Updates - Adding Your Own Clips

Stay tuned for more exciting updates. Soon, you'll be able to add your very own clips to our platform and share them with your players. We're excited to bring you these resources and look forward to seeing the positive impact they'll have on the game!

We hope you and your team enjoys using the new Coaching Clip Library.

Let us know what you think, and please contact us anytime with any questions or suggestions.

Thank you,

- The Team at IHS


Jknott on 9/14/2023

Incredible and valuable update! 
Thank you!