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Puck Race to 1 v 1

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Drill Setup:

  • Puck placed on the dot.
  • 2 players start on the goal line.
  • When coach says "go," the 2 players race for the puck. Whoever wins the puck is on offense the defender must either toss their stick aside or turn it over.
  • Players continue to play keep away in the circle until coach says stop.

Drill Purpose:

  • This is very similar to drill done day #1 except now we are adding the puck race and looking for players to gain position before possession to win the puck.
  • By having the defender have to get rid of their stick or turn it over you are putting something on the line which will pick up the compete of the drill as well as rewards the puck race winner. In addition by having the defender have to get rid of their stick or turn it over you are forcing them to have to play the body as they do not have a stick to use.


  • Depending on your players level of proficiency allowing the defender to have a stick or no stick changes the drill.
  • If wanting to really focus in on body contact I suggest having the defender without a stick or it be turned over.
  • Once players show willingness and consistency in being physical and using their bodies then you can have both players use their stick the whole time. In that scenario I suggest turning it into a game. Puck race is worth 1 point. Each time the player steals the puck from the other player they get a point for stealing the puck. The offensive player gets no points(other then winning the puck race). The offensive players incentive is to not allow the other player to steal the puck and in turn get points.

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