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Continuous Warm Up Skills Series #2

Continuous Warm Up Skills Series #2

The second variation in this series works on puck control in transition and acceleration with the puck. As the players go down the ice they still receive the puck and make one quick stick handle before making a pass back to their partner. When the players turn to the outside they accelerate to the outside with a puck. At the cone they transition backwards with the puck to the inside cone. At the inside cone they transition forwards and again, emphasis is on accelerating to the next cone. At the third cone they transition backwards again to the first cone where they transition forwards and accelerate with the puck to the blue line. Players will switch lines for their next repetition so they have a chance to worrk on forehand and backhand passing.

Continuous Warm Up Skills Series #2

Continuous Warm Up Skills Series #2

The second variation in this series works on puck control in transition and acceleration with the puck. As the players go down the ice they still receive the puck and make one quick stick handle before making a pass back to their partner. When the players turn to the outside they accelerate to the outside with a puck. At the cone they transition backwards with the puck to the inside cone. At the inside cone they transition forwards and again, emphasis is on accelerating to the next cone. At the third cone they transition backwards again to the first cone where they transition forwards and accelerate with the puck to the blue line. Players will switch lines for their next repetition so they have a chance to worrk on forehand and backhand passing.

Supporting Fundamentals



brpatey on 5/22/2019

warm up

Bantam_1 on 10/16/2018

Thursday practice 

kirlbeck on 10/6/2018

warm up

colin.carpenter82@gmail.com on 9/15/2018


colin.carpenter82@gmail.com on 9/15/2018


squags on 8/8/2018

Nice warm up progressions instituting passing

Sharris66 on 7/25/2016
scs hockey
matt.lister@pyramidcorporation.com on 6/2/2016
Great drill for conditioning camp and regular season practice.

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