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2 on 0 Neutral Zone Swing

2 on 0 Neutral Zone Swing

This drill is designed to work on some transition in the neutral zone.  Defense should focus on good passes.  Poor passes will cause this drill to break down quickly.  Forwards form two lines just inside the face off dots in the neutral zone.  The drill starts with a pass to D1. D1 receives the pass while skating backwards and makes a pass to D2.  D2 needs to receive the pass and transition forwards before making a pass to one of the swinging forwards. The forwards then attack 2 on 0.  After making the pass, the defense skate up to the red line and tranistion backwards to receive a pass from the next forward in line.  Defense should do three reps before switching.

2 on 0 Neutral Zone Swing

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This drill is designed to work on some transition in the neutral zone.  Defense should focus on good passes.  Poor passes will cause this drill to break down quickly.  Forwards form two lines just inside the face off dots in the neutral zone.  The drill starts with a pass to D1. D1 receives the pass while skating backwards and makes a pass to D2.  D2 needs to receive the pass and transition forwards before making a pass to one of the swinging forwards. The forwards then attack 2 on 0.  After making the pass, the defense skate up to the red line and tranistion backwards to receive a pass from the next forward in line.  Defense should do three reps before switching.

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