
Status message

  • Active context: header_logged_in_users
  • Active context: how_to_recommend_content_page
  • Active context: footer_global
  • Active context: header_anonymous
  • Active context: theme_anonymous

How to Recommend Content

IHS makes it easy to recommend content to coaches in your organization. Once you recommend content, it will appear in their IHS account. You can recommend content in two easy ways (see below).

1. Recommend from Library

In your Practice Library, Drill Library, Systems Library and Off-Ice Library, each piece of content will have a recommend button.

You can click the button and select which age group you would like to recommend the content for.

screenshot of where clickable url button is on the my drills page

2. Recommend from Content

At the bottom of the page of each piece of content (practices, drills, systems, off-ice exercises) you will find a bar that allows your to recommend that piece of content.

Just click on the "Recommend" tab and select which age level you would like to recommend it for.

screenshot of where clickable url button is on the my drills page