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Designated Sniper Offensive Zone Face-Off

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Spadorcia on 9/26/2019


kjr2006 on 10/29/2018

face off option

awl5038 on 9/21/2018

This play will take some time to develop, so the D need to be able to control the puck well, and make good passes.

LW will need to move quickly, around the back of the net, to create space, to receive a pass.

RW needs to hold off opposing W, slightly, to create time for D to move the puck.  RW must also time the loop, so that he is crashing the slot, as the LW gets the puck.  RW should take a quick shot, in the slot.

C is holding off opposing C, to give the play time to develop.  C then crashes the net, looking for rebound.

Passes from D to D, D to LW, and LW to RW, need to be quick and tape to tape.  

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