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2-1-2 Forecheck (Strong Side Support)


The 2-1-2 Forecheck is one of the most common forecheck used.  The idea is to always pressure the puck with two players until possesion is gained. Here are the keys to executing this strong side 2-1-2 forechecking system:

  • F1 & F2 will pressure the puck hard
  • F1 needs to create a turnover
  • F2 looks for the loose puck
  • F3 stays high in the slot in the middle of the ice or slightly on the weak side

If the puck goes up the wall on the strong side:

  • D1 pinches down hard on the opponent's winger
  • F3 covers D1's position on the blue line
  • F2 cover's F3's position in high slot
  • F1 pressures from behind to help D1

If puck goes to the opposite side:

  • F3 pressures puck hard
  • F1 continues puck persuit
  • F2 covers for F3 in high slot

For age levels that allow checking it is important for the firt forechecker to take the body and finish their checks.

For more explanation from NHL hall of famer and former Chicago Blackhawks coach, Denis Savard, check out his 2-1-2 Forechecking video.


mdutton0256 on 3/21/2019

2010 Express #1 Forecheck

Mfranchetti18 on 12/3/2018

basic offensive zone coverrage

Anonymous on 10/15/2018
Anonymous on 10/5/2018
Great presentation
Anonymous on 9/10/2018
In the video you have your defenceman listed incorrectly - LD should be listed as RD and vice versa. Otherwise, great program.
jeff.chapman on 8/21/2018


Coachclifford19 on 7/30/2018


Nicola12 on 11/18/2015


alanmcmillan on 9/30/2015


Bolts2006 on 8/3/2015
Andre on 12/20/2014


on 1/29/2014

I hate him!

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