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1-2-2 Centers Low

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Coachclifford19 on 8/11/2018

Forecheck #2

Coachclifford19 on 7/30/2018


mmuenz9 on 2/16/2016

This is basically what our team has been doing the entir season. The only thing we are chnging is with the centers. The idea is that our opponent will try and use the middle of the ice as their only outlet and defense will be there to  take advantage of the turnovers in the high slot. 

Centers MUST attack from the inside out and force the puck carrier to the corner. 

The WINGERS only job is to man up with the opponents wingers to take away the oppenents D pass up the boards.  The DEFENCE looks to create a turnover in the high slot area. 

mmuenz9 on 2/16/2016


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