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Neutral Zone Three Shot Station

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This drill can be done in the neutral zone on both sides if two nets are available. This would provide two stations in the neutral zone.  The players line up along the blue line with the first player starting at about the face-off dot. The coach has pucks on the other side of the net slightly below the goal line.  Two tires or cones are placed as shown, one close to center ice, and the other on the opposite face-off dot.

On the whistle the first player skates out in front of the net, receives a pass from the coach and shoots.  After the shot the player skates to the tire on the face-off dot, stops, then skates back to the front of the net.  On their way back to the net they will receive a pass from the coach and take a second shot.  After the second shot they skate backwards (facing the coach with their stick on the ice) out around the tire, transition forwards as they go around the tire and skat back to the net.  The coach will give them a thrid pass as they go to the net for the third shot.

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