Skating Drills
Here is a list of over 100 animated, high quality hockey skating drills for mite, squirt, pee wee, bantam, midget, high school, junior, and college players. A good curriculum of skating drills is critical for the development of young hockey players. Good skating fundamentals will pay off as the players get older and have to rely on their good skating foundation. Power skating should be incorporated at almost every practice for the younger players and should focus on the forward stride, backwards skating, edge work, and overspeed. The young players need repetition in these areas at almost every practice session. The level of diffculty should also me mixed. Make sure that the players are working on drills that they have mastered and re-inforce good skating fundamentals and then make sure they are exposed to some high level skating skills where they struggle. How these skills are implemented into your practice are up to you or the hockey director but please do not overlook the important of re-inforcing good skating habits at every practice.