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Havoc Line Rush With Backchecker

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The Havoc Line Rush With Backchecker from TJ Manastersky, the Head Coach of Brock University, starts as a shooting exercise, and transitions to a 3 v 2 with a backchecker.


  • Forward line at hash marks are set and ready to attack 3 v 2.
  • On the whistle, the backchecker in the hash marks, receives pass from side to of the net for a shot.
  • Passes to the backchecker in the slot continues until whistle.
  • On the second whistle, the next pass goes to the forward line who can attack 3v2 and the backchecker works back to help the defense.
  • Play it out 3v3 in the other end.

Coaching Points

  • Offense: puck enter the zone inside the dots, drive net.
  • Defense: communicate and sort out coverage.

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