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Half Ice Six Shooter

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This drill is a good shooting warm up if you have two goalies and a half ice practice because it gets both goalies a lot of shots.  Set up two nets as shown in the diagram on the goal line and in-line with the dots.  To start the drill F1 skates out around the cone and receives a pass from F2.  They should receive and shoot the puck, stop on the next for a rebound, then go to the  F2 line.  F2 then does a tight control turn around the cone, receives a pass from F1, receives and shoots the puck, stops at the net for a rebound, then goes to the F3 line.  Once the goalie is ready then F3 sprints towards the net and shoots in stride, stopping at the net, then going to the back of the F1 line.


dennisaldrich on 11/23/2015


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