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Four Lines Overspeed Shooting #1

Four Lines Overspeed Shooting #1

This is a simple shooting drill but the emphasis is on overspeed skating in the neutral zone.  Players start the drill by sprinting to the blue line and doing quick cross-overs towards the middle of the ice.  They should do the cross-overs as tight as they can and move their feet as fast as possible.  As they skate back towards the red line they should cut across as to support hte puck and call for a pass.  After they receive the pass they should keep their feet moving and attack the zone to the outside.  Encourage players to shoot with their feet moving and stop on the net.  After the shot they should go into the slot and hunt a rebound as the next shooter attacks the net.

Supporting Fundamentals


Beller1988 on 2/19/2019

skating and shooting 

Spadorcia on 11/12/2018

Good skating, passing and shooting warmup for goalies also with side to side movement. Also, added a pivot to face the puck when making turn up the ice.

vespino on 5/12/2018

Esercizio per il ritmo, supporto al passaggio, tiro e rimbalzo

Anthonid on 12/8/2015


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