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Corner Puck Possession Drill

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The emphasis of this drill is for forwards to work on thier puck possession skills down low in the offensive zone.  It helps to set up two cones down low on the corner to help as a guide, however, as the players get better at this drill you can remove the cones and allow them to incorporate some of their own creativity.  The forwards line up at about the hash marks along the boards.  The pucks are placed down low beyond the second cone.  F1 starts by doing a figure eight through the cones, they pick up a puck as they circle the second cone and continue to do a figure eight with the puck.  The key is to focus on moving the feet and making tight turns as though they have a defensive player on them.  They also need to keep their body between the (pretend) defender and the puck.  F1 makes two figure eights and then looks for F2 who comes in for support.  F1 leaves the puck for F2 and skates into the slot for a return pass from F2.  F1 then takes a quick shot from the slot.  F2, after making the return pass to F1, repeats the drill.


Mgardner on 8/19/2018

Down low stations

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