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Billy Purcell Off the Wall

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Billy Purcell Off the Wall Drill from Coach TJ Manastersky is a warm up drill that gets shots for goaltenders while working on passing & receiving along with getting off of the wall to create space for yourself.

TJ Manastersky shared this game with the IHS Community while he was an Assistant Coach at Union College. TJ is the Current Head Coach at Brock University in St. Catharines, Ontario.


  • The whole team is split up in opposite corners and sides of the ice (as shown in the diagram).
  • On the whistle, the player with the puck in the corner JUMPS off of the wall to the dots of the ice, then passes the puck to the player at the hashmarks.
  • The player that receives the puck, jumps off of the wall, gets to the dots on the middle of the ice, then passes the puck to the player at the blue line.
  • The player that made the pass then takes the space of the position of the player they passed the puck to.
  • When the puck gets to the blue line, the next player in the corner begins the pass & follow movement.
  • This drill continues down the ice until the player on the far blue line takes a shot on net.

Coaching Points

  • Use your forehand and backhand to catch passes and make passes.
  • Get your head up and practice getting off of the wall to create space for yourself.

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