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2 vs. 2 Stop & Starts

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This is a conditioning hockey drill that incorporates competition and backchecking fundamentals.  To set up the drill place four lines at the blue line and the coach at center ice with the pucks.  On the whistle, the first player in each line skates to the red line, stops (facing the coach), skates back to the blue line and stops (facing the coach), and then races towardss the far net.  The coach will designate one side where they will be passing the puck to the player that is winning the race. If the players are equal, then the coach lays the puck out for the players to compete for possession.  The players on the opposite side become offensive or defensive depending on who wins possession of the puck.  If the the green player wins possession of the puck the other green player becomes offensive, regardless of their position, and the blue player then becomes the defender.  The coach should make sure they pass to both sides.  Players on the weak side of the ice (the side that does not receive the pass) have to read the play to see what player wins possession of the puck and adjust to becoming an offensive or defensive player.


demarcs on 10/25/2018


demarcs on 10/25/2018


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