1 v 1 v 1 Game

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Drill Setup:

  • Coach designates a playing area.
  • No Goal Version: Basic version of the drill is 3 players and 1 puck are in the area. The 3 players play keep away until coach says change.
  • Gate Version: If doing the gate game variation, split players into 3 teams. Put 2 cones in the middle of the rink. To score points when you have the puck you are trying to skate between the 2 cones. If able to do so your team gets a point. The game is still 1 v 1 v 1. This is just a way to make it competitive and get players to try and get to the middle of the rink when they have the puck.

Drill Purpose:

  • The purpose of the drill is now when the player has the puck they have be watching for 2 other players and not just one. This is more game like and forces the player to intake more information to make decisions how they are going to protect the puck. Wanting to see all the playing in contact and checking skills talked about in this drill.
  • Details to talk through are when you have the puck you wan tto try and stay toward the middle of the ice. Do not allow the defenders to push you toward thew all. When you are in the middle you have more space to work with and can go any direction. When near the wall you have less space and limited options making it difficult to maintain puck possession. Can also reiterate skills of fake/deceptive turns, changes of speed as well.


  • Diagram shows 2 different ways how you can setup the playing area for this drill. It could be1/4 ice, tops circles down, full zone ect. The smaller the area the harder the drill becomes to maintain possession. Suggestion is start with bigger area and decrease the playing area size as you move through the drill and/or over the course of time.

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