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Getting Started Guide for IHS Members

Getting Started Guide for IHS Members

Welcome to IHS, we’re excited to have you join our community of coaches.  Below is a guide that gives tips and displays tutorial videos to help you get the most out of IHS.

Browsing Content

This video below provides an overview of our different content types, highlights some of our favorite content and offers some tips to keep in mind to make browsing content more efficient.

Creating/Drawing Drills

Did you know that you can add any video from youtube, instagram or even your cell phone?  This video tutorial shows how easy it is to create drills with our drawing tool and video upload features.

Adding Your Team Logo

This quick video shows you how to add your team logo to your drawings and practices.

Creating a Practice

Creating and sharing a practice is very easy on IHS.  The video below goes over ways to create a practice and share it with your team.

Sharing Content

You can share practice plans and drills via email/text with our copy and share URL feature.  This video shows how to utilize this sharing feature.

To share via a Team Access login, please visit our How to Share Page

Collaborate with Other IHS Coaches

Our copy and share URL allows coaches to collaborate and save practices and drills from other coaches into their account.  The video below explain how to use this feature.