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TJ Manastersky Discusses Game Preparation, Management & Reflection

TJ Manastersky Discusses Game Preparation, Management & Reflection

IHS had the pleasure of sitting down with TJ Manastersky, the Head Coach at Brock University, for an in-depth discussion on various game day strategies.

In this interview, we cover 14 questions on game preparation, bench management, and post-game reflections. Coaches can access the full interview or jump directly to specific questions using the links provided below. If you enjoy this content, make sure to save the date for the 2nd Annual Brock Badgers High Performance Hockey Seminar put on by TJ & Brock University on June 8th, 2024. Learn more about the seminar.

Full Interview

Game Preparation Questions

  1. How do you prepare your team for a game? (FREE)
  2. What is your process to pre-scout your opponent?
  3. Pre-game speeches: what works and what doesn't?

Bench Management Questions

  1. Do you give your team time to themselves before a game?
  2. What are the most important components of bench management?
  3. How much of an emphasis do you put on matching lines?
  4. What do you keep with you on the bench?
  5. What makes a good dynamic between a head coach and their assistant coaches? (FREE)
  6. How do you keep your team focused during a game?
  7. What are some of the things you do to try to spark a team or individual?
  8. How often do you address individual players during a game vs the team as a whole?
  9. How do you handle talking to refs? (FREE)

Post Game Reflection Questions

  1. How do you reflect after a game? (FREE)
  2. How often does your play in the game dictate practice the following week?

2nd Annual High Performance Hockey Seminar

TJ and Brock University announced the 2nd Annual Brock Badgers High Performance Hockey Seminar June 8th, 2024. Click on the image below to learn more!